Sunday, November 13, 2011

1st Thing: Creating a Blog

Congratulations! Pat yourself on the back! You are embarking on the CMS 12 Things journey, and you are going to be trying out a dozen different technology resources. No matter what your level of proficiency with technology, have no fear! You are going to fearlessly explore these 12 resources, because -- guess what -- you can't break the Internet! That's are going to follow in the footsteps of the children you teach and try out these new things bravely, giving yourself the chance to learn something new (even if it means making a mistake or two). You can have as much or as little assistance from me as you need, and you can work through your 12 tasks at your own pace. This journey isn't about me walking you step by step through each thing. Instead, it's about you taking the time to explore and learn through trial and error. Don't let this become a frustrating's not that serious! If you ever feel overwhelmed or frustrated, take a break. If you can't figure something out, you know where to find me!

You are going to document your journey on your very own blog. Not quite sure what a blog is (well, you're reading one right now), then take a few minutes to watch this video that gives a simple explanation:

Now, for your first task!

You are going to create your own blog that will document your journey through experimenting with these 12 Things!

The first thing you need to do is create a Google account if you don't have one already. And if you don't have one, believe me, you need one (even if you weren't going to blog and create these tasks)! Click here to create your account. Once you are signed into your Google Account, click here to create your blog! You'll need to name your blog -- you may want to use your name or come up with something creative. If I were creating a blog for this challenge I may name mine "Tiff's 12 Things" or "Mrs. Whitehead's 12 Things" since that is what the contents of the posts would be. You'll be able to select a design for your blog, then you're ready to write your first post! In your first post, share with us what you hope to gain from completing the 12 Things program. Let us know your current level of comfort with technology and what you hope the program may do for you.

After you publish your first post, copy the link and share it in the comments of this post. That way we will all be able to follow and support each other as we take this journey together!

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